As you probably already know from this blog, I like to test products before fully reviewing them. This palette was no different, and I wanted to give it the time and respect it deserves by testing out a variety of colours. Coastal Scents put out quality products that are also pretty damn affordable. So here […]

Tartelette In Bloom Palette Review (Swatches)

Firstly, let me just say how impressed I was upon first opened this packaging. It is stunning and has a high-end feel the whole way through. The second thing I noticed was a lovely smell, that was sort of sweet with a hint of flower. The palette is scented. I had no idea it would be, […]

Is it safe to buy ‘Fake Makeup’ from overseas?

This is a question that I’m sure you have asked yourself when comparing the price difference between the real and ‘fake’ makeup that will come up on online shops such as Ebay. Suddenly, an eyeshadow palette that would normally cost around $80 AUD ($50 USD) can be compared to a fake eyeshadow palette that seems […]